Low Cost or No Cost

As participant of the VEU program in Victoria, we have the knowledge and experience to deliver more environment friendly and economically viable solutions to our clients. Due to the programs running in either states, we can do this at an extremely low cost or no cost at all. Contact us to find out how we can support you in switching over to LED lighting. NRGPAL Pty Ltd can carryout the LED lighting upgrades for the following business areas and much more.

  • Retail, Hospitality and Service Industries/Sectors
  • Doctors, Hospitals, Educational and Age Care facilities
  • Manufacturing and Storage Facilities
  • Professional Services and many more…
10 Years Experience
NRGPAL operates in Victoria
Our focus is on commercial LED installations, upgrades and retrofits


  • The NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) provides financial incentives to install energy efficient equipment and appliances in NSW households and businesses.
  • An energy saving certificates or ESC (pronounced “esky”) is created by an Accredited Certificate Provider (ACP) for each one notional Megawatt hour (MWh) of energy saved by the project.
  • The Mandatory Scheme Participants i.e. Electricity Retailers obtain and surrender these certificates to meet their own legislated targets, as enforced by the NSW Government.
  • There is no catch, just use the Government Incentive and enjoy reductions in your electricity bills!
  • NO Taxpayers Money Spent